Welcome to Dark Olive Grove

A free, open-source learning portal for all things knowledge.

Learning Made Easy

We're committed to providing quality information with the goal of empowering you! Explore resources to start learning, whatever your field. Whether you're looking to learn new software, improve your skills, or inspire new solutions, Dark Olive Grove has you covered.

Learn Here, Start Anywhere

A variety of tutorials, software, programs and languages to start your off!

Recommended Starters


We have a great library of Excel tips and tricks that will help you become more efficient at work.


Take advantage of the macro programming language to automate your spreadsheets.


Learn a popular programming language thats easy for beginners and versatile for your needs.

Free resources for everyone!

All content here is free and easy-to-understand. Whether you're looking to acquire new skills or an expert, Dark Olive Grove has something for everyone!

Additional Services

We also provide professional custom designed spreadsheets that are tailored to your needs. We strive to provide the tools needed to complete your projects.