May Site Updates


We have just released the next section of the lesson guides in connection with Excel covering Name Ranges and Conditional Formatting! They can be found within our Excel Section.

Our next releases within the the Excel section looks at creating Charts and Graphs and using Pivot Tables to further advance your Excel skills. See the Lesson Guide for the following chapters we look to release as we continuously roll out more content to the site.

We also are in the process of rolling out project examples to combine the excel lessons to creating efficient spreadsheets and completing common exercises that should be applicable to most applications and industries that use Excel. But we focus on generalising these so they can be applicable to as many users to see your potential in using Excel but also using python as an additional tool.

One we have released the extent of the Excel Lesson Guide we look to progressing through some project examples to simulate using the lessons to formulate efficient spreadsheets and common exercises for manipulating data. We have also added some additional lessons that we plan to release sequentially delving into techniques to improve your workflow. As we continue expanding our Excel resources available here we also look to release code snippets using python. These python codes are handy for extracting set data from multiple Excel workbooks to help summarise what you require. No need to open up each spreadsheet and manually extract the data!

Furthermore, we have plans to add more tech tutorials to showcase where Dark Olive Grove will expand additional content for using other software packages to see what our users have more interest in learning further.